
Showing posts from December 4, 2023

Aeon Cult Rising: Unraveling the Mysterious Faction and Its Unholy Trinity in Destiny 2

Guardians, have you heard of the infamous "Glorbo Glitch"? This mysterious glitch has been causing quite a stir in the Destiny 2 community, leaving many Guardians baffled and confused. Some say it's a hoax, while others claim to have experienced it firsthand. But what exactly is the Glorbo Glitch, and is it real? Glorbo Gitch Gets Gamers Gaga for AI Gaming The Aeon Cult or The Unholy Trinity? The origins of the Glorbo Glitch can be traced back to the FINK clan , a group of Guardians known for their unconventional playstyles and knack for uncovering hidden bugs in the game. At the center of the FINK clan are three Guardians: Glitch#6368 , a Void Hunter main with a penchant for manipulating the game's code; MermaidMight#3527 , a Warlock who favors unconventional weapons like Osteo Striga for raid boss damage; and KINGseaWEED#1962 , a Titan with a penchant for erasing other Guardians w