
Showing posts from June 13, 2023

Why Has Gaming Taken Over

If you're like me, you probably spend a lot of time playing video games. Whether it's on your PC, console, mobile device, or VR headset, gaming has become a huge part of our lives. But why is that? Why are we so drawn to these virtual worlds and characters? And what does that say about us as a society? In this blog post, I'm going to explore some of the reasons why gaming has taken over pop culture and how it affects us in different ways. It was inspired by this podcast from the guardian. Let's dive in! Gaming Is Fun & Immersive One of the most obvious reasons why we love gaming is because it's fun. Gaming provides us with a sense of enjoyment, excitement, and satisfaction that we may not get from other activities. Gaming also allows us to escape from reality and immerse ourselves in different worlds and stories. We can explore, create, compete, cooperate, and express ourselves in ways that we may not be able to do in real life. Gaming gives us a sense of agency