
Showing posts from March 17, 2023

Leveling Up: Smashing Heteronormativity and Homophobia in Gaming

The Gaming Landscape Heteronormativity and Homophobia In the world of gaming, heteronormativity and homophobia are often the uninvited guests at the table. These societal norms and prejudices, which assume everyone is heterosexual and cisgender and express fear or disdain towards those who identify as LGBTQ+, create a hostile environment for many gamers. However, the gaming community is not powerless against these issues. Through education, advocacy, and support of inclusive games, we can begin to reshape the gaming landscape. The Power of Education Understanding the impact of heteronormativity and homophobia is the first step towards combating these issues. By researching and sharing knowledge about the harmful effects these prejudices have on LGBTQ+ individuals, we can begin to challenge stereotypes and misconceptions. Speaking up against discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation or gender identity is also crucial. Reporting abusive players and supporting LGBTQ+ gamer