
Showing posts from May 25, 2023

Queer Gaming Culture: Fiction & Art

Since their origin, video games have gone a long way, and the industry has become more diverse and inclusive with each passing year. The expanding prevalence of LGBT culture in video games is one part of this variety. The effect of gay culture on video games is a crucial and current issue, ranging from the first portrayals of LGBT people to the modern incorporation of queer storylines and themes. This article investigates the effect of queer culture on video games by examining historical milestones, genre variants, developer viewpoints, player experiences, and critical theoretical analysis. Historical Impact The portrayal of LGBT people in video games has a long and tangled history. Queer characters were frequently presented as villains or comedic relief in the early days of gaming. It wasn't until the late 1990s and early 2000s that more complex portrayals of LGBT people in video games emerged. This period witnessed the release of games such as The Sims, which enabled players to f