Aeon Cult Rising: Unraveling the Mysterious Faction and Its Unholy Trinity in Destiny 2

Guardians, have you heard of the infamous "Glorbo Glitch"? This mysterious glitch has been causing quite a stir in the Destiny 2 community, leaving many Guardians baffled and confused. Some say it's a hoax, while others claim to have experienced it firsthand. But what exactly is the Glorbo Glitch, and is it real?

Glorbo Gitch Gets Gamers Gaga for AI Gaming

The Aeon Cult or The Unholy Trinity?

The origins of the Glorbo Glitch can be traced back to the FINK clan, a group of Guardians known for their unconventional playstyles and knack for uncovering hidden bugs in the game. At the center of the FINK clan are three Guardians: Glitch#6368, a Void Hunter main with a penchant for manipulating the game's code; MermaidMight#3527, a Warlock who favors unconventional weapons like Osteo Striga for raid boss damage; and KINGseaWEED#1962, a Titan with a penchant for erasing other Guardians with his heavy grenade launcher, Blast Battue.

Aeon Swift - The Anomalous Entity Manipulating Trials Queue:

The Glorbo Glitch was first discovered when Glitch, who was investigating Trials of Osiris network queue delays and getting free trials gear, stumbled upon a strange anomaly. He noticed that by manipulating certain network variables, he could effectively bypass the Trials queue and gain free access to Trials matches. This discovery sent shock-waves through the Destiny 2 community, as it potentially allowed players to exploit the game's matchmaking system.

Aeon Soul - The Siren and Her Unconventional Warlock Skills

While Glitch was busy messing with the Trials network, MermaidMight was secretly defeating raid bosses and convincing her teammates that she wasn't a DPS Queen with her strange Warlock build. Even though they didn't believe her, she kept using Osteo Striga, a sub-machine gun usually used for close-quarters combat, as her main weapon for raid boss damage. To everyone's surprise, her weird strategy worked really well, and she always did more damage than her teammates with her Osteo Striga. Just don't ask her how many Oracles of Aetheon she's silenced.

Aeon Safe - All The King's Forces A Crucible Battue 

The FINK clan's "Unholy Trinity" reigns supreme in Destiny 2 PvP, striking fear into rival clan leaders. Among them stands KINGseaWEED#1962, a true Guardian whose exceptional gameplay inspires countless others. With remarkable precision and unwavering loyalty, he wields his heavy grenade launcher to eliminate opponents, as exemplified by his daring victory in the final match of the last Iron Banner. His mastery of the "Blast Battue" strategy epitomizes his exceptional skills and unwavering dedication to the FINK clan.

The Glorbo Glitch: Real or Hoax?

The true nature of the Glorbo Glitch remains a mystery. Some Guardians claim to have experienced the glitch firsthand, reporting strange occurrences such as teleportation, disappearing loot, and even talking floating ghost shells. However, no concrete evidence of the glitch has been found, leading many to believe it is simply a hoax perpetrated by the FINK clan.

IGGG & Glitch's Refuse Questions

Despite numerous attempts to contact TripleG58#7309, a Guardian known for his extensive knowledge of Destiny 2 bugs, and as the mentor to Glitch, he has remained silent on the matter. Likewise, Glitch#6368, who is rumored to be the mastermind behind the Glorbo Glitch, has also refused to comment. This silence only fuels the speculation and mystery surrounding the anomaly, leaving Guardians wondering if the Glorbo Glitch is a real phenomenon or just a cleverly crafted ruse.


The Glorbo Glitch remains an enigma in the Destiny 2 community. Whether it is a real glitch or an elaborate prank, it has certainly captured the attention of Guardians worldwide. As the investigation into the Glorbo Glitch continues, one thing is for sure: the FINK clan is at the center of it all. With their unconventional play-styles and knack for uncovering hidden bugs, the FINK clan is a force to be reckoned with in the Destiny 2 universe.


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