Gay Gaming: Being Queer in a World of Diversity

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The complications of navigating many overlapping identities as an LGBT person are numerous. The intertwined character of social categories such as race, gender, sexuality, and ability, which interact and overlap to define a person's experiences and identity, is referred to as intersectionality. Recognizing and accepting intersectionality is critical for creating a truly inclusive and fair environment, particularly for underrepresented groups such as the LGBTQ community.

A recent trip to the Rainbow Festival with my long-time friend Kyle and his partner Kris highlighted the importance of intersectionality in the LGBTQ community; as someone who spent a lot of time alone, seeing their joy and shared happiness as a pair moved me significantly. My link with Kyle has endured over 15 years, and their relationship's infectious spirit has inspired me.

As a queer person, I am highly aware of the multiple extents of identity—including race, gender, and socioeconomic class—that intersect with queerness. Due to this intersectionality, each person will face unique challenges and experiences. For example, racial and sexual orientation discrimination against LGBT people of color can create a perplexing web of issues.

"We want to ensure that everyone feels welcome and included in our games, regardless of their background or identity." - Jade Raymond, Founder of Motive Studios


The Rainbow Festival fosters partnerships between people of various identities while recognizing the diversity of the homosexual community. People from many backgrounds, including all racial, gender, and ability groups, were featured in the show. Seeing so many different individuals in one location made me realize how vital intersectionality is to the LGBT experience.

Kyle and Kris' story demonstrated the importance of the LGBT community recognizing and embracing intersectionality. While they are both gay, their different ethnic and cultural backgrounds complicate their situation. Their partnership centered on acknowledging and supporting the community's diversity. Since seeing Kyle content and loved gave me hope for the future, our meeting again was substantial. I also need to get to know Kris, support them in their relationship, and understand the connection of being queer. 

In closing, gatherings like the Rainbow Festival offer a venue for celebrating the variety of the gay community and fostering bonds between people of different identities.  No other group connects and puts aside all other identities to come together over what makes them different. A truly inclusive and fair society must be built by acknowledging and embracing intersectionality, a crucial part of queerness. 


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